The Monsoon is still blowing (whistling and howling through the gaps in our closed windows) bringing with it a fair bit of patchy rain.
The islands (the only places where you can swim here) are closed, and so is the big spidery-shaped lake up in the hills nearby.
So we drove up to the lake anyway for a bit of a look-see.
Pleasant - at least there weren't any crowds! (except mosquitoes ...) At least we know where it is now, it wasn't hard to follow the signs there.
Some signs are easy to read, others are wordy and confusing to us:
I can guess what the 'jeti' is, but the warnings will go unheeded.
We will wait until the monsoon passes and the weather improves ...
... and then - we'll be back!
I can see the words "virus" and "parasite" in the warnings. Eeewww.